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Organizational Health: Build a Smart and Healthy Team

Why Organizational Health is Important to Focus on Right Now

In the last three years, companies focused on their ability to be adaptable and agile in response to changing demands. They implemented new systems and processes that enable them to pivot quickly and developed products that meet the evolving needs of customers and consumers. Despite the pandemic, many companies have successfully risen to the occasion. Yet, they lost sight of their most valuable assets: their people and the organizational culture they embody.

Previously, a strong culture was defined "in person” but shifting to the new norm of video conferencing leaves little room for relationship building during breaks, at the water cooler or while walking the halls. Greetings have become rushed as you quickly dive into discussions about the systems, processes and strategies that drive your work.

While you may be working smarter in many cases, how can you redirect your attention to organizational health and nourish the needs of the individuals that sustain your success?

Identify What

Challenge yourself to let go of what has worked and defined you in the past, and instead leverage and build on what is working right now. Begin to explore what else is needed for future success. Carve out the space to walk through the following questions and anchor on what organizational health can look like for you in the future. Have fun, get creative and think outside the box.

  • What words do people use to describe your culture?

  • What do people value about working here?

  • What could create more value for your people?

Explore Why

Once you're inspired about what the future of organizational health can look like, reinforce why it’s important. When the why gets overlooked, initiatives often feel top-down, lacking alignment and buy-in and how they get implemented becomes blurry and less effective. Consider communicating the answers to the following questions to make your people feel part of the conversation.

  • Why do your people need you to focus on organizational health?

  • Why will this improve the way you work?

  • Why should this be a timely priority?

Define How

Now it’s time to take action and define how to prioritize organizational health and drive culture transformation. Identify one or two key initiatives that you believe will generate the greatest impact. Start small; keep it simple and centered around your people in order to inspire positive action.

  • How will you initiate and integrate organizational health changes?

  • How can you align this with your mission and values?

  • How will you know you are successful?

Over-communicate the what, why, and how and commit to cascade this priority through your company. Remember to act with authenticity, transparency, and optimism about the future you are co-authoring together.


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