Reaching for excellence does not mean trying to be perfect. It means we strive to use our talents, abilities, and skills to the very best of our ability. It means being ahead of the pack by going the extra mile. Here are a few ways you can commit to excellence:
1. Pour your heart into what you do.
Having a passion for what you do is the ultimate key to being successful. Half-hearted attempts will ultimately show through as a mediocre effort.
2. Believe that what you do matters and will make a difference.
You don't have to save the world in one stroke, but you can make a difference one person at a time.
3. Do more than you are being compensated for.
Reaching excellence is about doing more than what you do anyway, even if you are not receiving compensation for it. Going the extra mile just because is what will set you apart from everyone else.
4. After you've done more than you are being compensated for, do it again.
Continually raise the bar. Giving more than you get comes back to you in unexpected ways.
5. Give what you do all you've got.
Delegate the mundane and pay attention to the details that only you can do. Then do it, do it, and do it again.
6. Do the usual in an unusual way.
Develop creative processes. Think out of the box. Let your creativity flow.
7. Customize the delivery of your service.
Customizing to your client's specialized needs, circumstances or situation gives you an edge from the pack. It makes you more memorable to others because you cared about them not just what you're getting from them.
8. Endure through the rough and demanding times.
Getting through the difficult challenges will sharpen your skills and talents. Remember the prize is at the end of the rainbow.
9. Get up close and personal.
Identify with what you do. Make it part of your daily life, part of who you are. Talk it up, show it, give it.
10. Let go of the outcome.
All you can do is the very best you've done. Know you did your very best and that you have created a quality product or service. You are not responsible for how it is received, only for delivering it.